Roach, who in an accident with radioactive waste tanks...

He likes to dress fashionably and to smile wide to others...

Secret Agent of even more secret crime fighting organization...

Brainy little point man, from Pluto, who once accidentally found hamsters...

Eternal clodder, who wants to possess all the knowledge...

Typical, nothing outstanding teenager...

Former algae grower, who loves the water....

He always wanted to be a stuntman...

Her biggest dream is to be a world famous model...

His true identity is unknown, but very credible rumors circulate...

He was working as a scarecrow for most of his life...

He was working as an accountant for all his life...

He was living quietly nearby the equator...

Timmy`s younger brother, who is always trying to be better than him...

Secret project of soviet scientists, who wanted to create supersoldier...